Here's a guide to some of our more pertinent publications. Please feel free to review any of these publications that interest you.
M-PULSE© Inventory: Matrix-Predictive Uniform Law Enforcement Selection Evaluation Inventory
Robert D. Davis, Ph.D., M.P. and Cary D. Rostow, Ph.D., M.P.
Publisher: MHS, Inc.
In 2008, the Matrix-Predictive Uniform Law Enforcement Selection Evaluation (M-PULSE©) Inventory was released. After many years of research and data collection by both the authors and MHS, this highly innovative tool directly assesses the future job-performance liabilities of law enforcement officer candidates. Law enforcement agencies are constantly being faced with the serious legal, monetary, and other liabilities and consequences associated with officer misconduct and counter-productive work behaviors. A tool like the M-PULSE© Inventory is a must-have for agencies concerned with reducing the risks associated with law enforcement job performance liabilities.
A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement
Cary D. Rostow and Robert D. Davis, Matrix, Inc.
Publisher: Routledge
Explore the full scope of fitness-for-duty problems in this book by Dr. Rostow and Dr. Davis. While some books about police psychology contain a chapter on the fitness-for-duty question, this is the first comprehensive publication focused exclusively on psychological fitness-for-duty evaluations (FFDEs) for law enforcement personnel. This handbook is ideal for professionals and for coursework designed to prepare individuals for careers as police or municipal officials, psychologists, students, behavioral science specialists, human rights advocates, and attorneys.
Personality Assessment in Police Psychology: A 21st Century Perspective
Edited by Peter A. Weiss, Ph.D.
Publisher: Charles C. Thomas
Exerpt from Back Cover Blurb:
Police psychologists are involved in a considerable amount of research in order to determine which tests and scales are most appropriate for evaluations. The present volume is divided into four parts to cover the relevant issues in personality assessment for police work. Part I provides and introduction and the basic principles of personality assessment in police psycholgy. Part II focuses on the major assessment instruments used in police psychology. These include the MMPI-2, the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI) and Hilson Tests, the M-PULSE Inventory, pre-offer integrity instruments, and the Rorschach Comprehensive System. Part III examines mulity issues in personality assessment research in the field of police psychology. Part IV covers applications of personality assessment in police psychology.
Contributed Chapters:
Chapter 6 - The Use of the M-PULSE Inventory in Law Enforcement Selection by Robert D Davis & Cary D. Rostow
Chapter 11 - The Future of Personality Assessment Research in Police Psychology: What's Next and What Do We Need? by John H. Hitchcock, Peter A Weiss, William U. Weiss, Robert D. Davis, & Cary D. Rostow
Chapter 13 - Issues in the Law Enforcement Fitness-For-Duty Evaluations by Cary D. Rostow & Robert D. Davis
Law Enforcement Officer Seniority and PAI Variables in Psychological Fitness for Duty Examinations - Beth A. Caillouet, Cary D. Rostow, and Robert D. Davis, Matrix Inc. (Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Vol 19, Num 2)
Compulsive Traits and Police Officer Performance - Emily DeCoster-Martin and William U. Weiss, University of Evansville, Robert D. Davis and Cary D. Rostow, Matrix, Inc. (Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Vol 19, Num 2)
The Personality Assessment Inventory as a Selection Device for Law Enforcement Personnel - William U Weiss, The University of Evansville, Cary Rostow and Robert Davis, Matrix Inc., Emily DeCoster-Martin, The University of Evansville (Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Vol 19, Num 2)
Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement - Cary D Rostow, Police Psychologist and President, Robert D. Davis, Police Psychologist and Director of Science, Matrix Incorporated, Baton Rouge, LA (The Police Chief - September 2002)
The MMPI-2 L Scale as a Tool in Police Selection - William U Weiss, The University of Evansville, Cary Rostow and Robert Davis, Matrix Inc., Sarah Kinsman, The University of Evansville (Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Vol 18, Num 1)
Davis, R.D., Rostow, C.D., Pinkston, J.B. and Cowick, L.M. (Spring 1999) An investigation into the usefulness of the MMPI and MMPI-2 in municipal and state police candidate selection. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 14 (1), 100-106.
Rostow, C.D., Davis, R.D., Pinkston, J.B. and Cowick, L.M. (Fall 1999) The MMPI-2 and satisfactory police academy performance: differences and correlations. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 14 (2), 35-39.
Davis, R.D., Rostow, C.D., Pinkston, J.B. (November 1999) Suicidal and aggressive behaviors in the Louisiana State Penitentiary system from 1992 to 1998. Poster presented at Louisiana Psychological Association Shreveport, Louisiana.
Rostow, C.D., Davis, R.D., Levy, J.P., & Brecknock, S. (2001). Civil Liability and Psychological Services in Law Enforcement Administration. The Police Chief, 68 (6), 36-43
Rostow, C.D., and Davis, R.D. (2002) Psychological Screening. Law and Order, 50, (2) (May), 100-106.
Rostow, C.D. and Davis, R.D. (2002) Psychological fitness for duty evaluations in law enforcement. The Police Chief, 69 (9), 58-66.
Rostow, C.D., Davis, R.D. and Levy, J.P. (2002) Police Psychology: the influence of Daubert and its progeny. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 17 (2), 1-8.
Davis, R.D. and Rostow, C.D. (2002) M-PULSE©: the Uniform Law Enforcement Selection Evaluaion, The Forensic Examiner, Vol. 11, No. 11/12 (Nov./Dec.), 19-24.
Davis, R.D. & Rostow, C.D. (2003) Validity Study: Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Background Variables and Disciplinary Problems in Law Enforcement. Applied HRM Research, 8 (1), 77-79.
Davis, R.D. & Rostow, C.D. (2004) Using the MMPI Special Scale Configurations of Predict Law Enforcement Officers Fired for Cause. Applied HRM Research, 9 (2), 57-58.
Davis, R.D. Rostow, C.D., Pinkston, J.B., Combs, D.R. and Dixon, D.R. (Spring 2004) A re-examination of the MMPI-2 aggressiveness and immaturity indices in law enforcement screening. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 19 (1) 17-26.
Weiss, W., Rostow, C.D. and Davis, R.D. (Fall 2004) The Personality Assessment Inventory as a Selection Device for Law Enforcement Personnel. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 19 (2), 23-29.
Caillouet, B., Rostow, C.D. and Davis, R.D. (Fall 2004) Law Enforcement Office Seniority and PAI in Pyschological Fitness for Duty Evaluations. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 19 (2), 49-52.
DeCoster-Martin, E., Weiss, W., Davis, R.D., Rostow, C.D. (Fall 2004) Compulsive Trait and Police Officer Performance. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 19 (2), 64-71.
Weiss, W., Zehner, S.N., Davis, R.D. and Rostow, C.D. (Spring 2005) Problematic Police Performance and the Personality Assessment Inventory. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 20 (1), 16-21.
Dilchert, S., Ones, D.S., Davis, R.D. and Rostow, C.D. (2005) Group Differences in Detected Counterproductively Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Implications for Organizational Diversity, Quaderni Di Psicologia Lavoro, Vol. 12, 205-208.
Brennan, A.M., Davis, R.D., and Rostow, C.D. (Fall 2005) An Investigation of Biographical Information as a Predictor of Employment Termination among Law Enforcement Personnel. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 20 (2), 1-7.
Rostow, C.D. and Davis, R.D. (2006) Psychological Police Officer Selection Part I: History and Forensic Implications, Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 6 (1), 27-31.
Rostow, C.D. and Davis, R.D. (2006) Psychological Police Officer Selection Part II: The M-PULSE© Methodology and Inventory, Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 6 (1), 32-38.
Miranda, J.O., Weiss, W.U., Davis, R.D. and Rostow, C.D. (Spring 2006) The Relationship between Body Mass Index and Abnormal Psychological and Personality Variables. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 21 (1), 54-61.
Dilchert, S., Ones, D., Davis, R.D. and Rostow, C.D. (2007) Cognitive Ability Predicts Objectively Measured Counterproductive Work Behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92 (3), 616-627.
Githua, O., Leark, R.A. & Skidmore, S. (2007). Predictive Ability of the M-PULSE© to Detect Fitness for Duty Decisions. Paper presentation at the 3rd International Congress of Psychology and Law, Adelaide, Australia. July.
Leark, R. A., Catanese,S., Topchyan, A., & Githua, O. (2008). Research on the M-PULSE© Inventory. Paper presentation at the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Annual Conference. Walnut Grove, CA. October.
Brennan, Adrianne M., Rostow, Cary D., Davis, Robert D., Hill, Benjamin D. (2009). An Investigation of Biographical Information as a Predictor of Employment Termination among Law Enforcement Officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 24 (2), 108-112.
Caillouet, Beth A., Boccaccini, Marcus T., Varela, Jorge G., Davis, Robert D., Rostow, Cary D. (February 2010). Predictive Validity of the MMPI-2 PSY-5 Scales and Facets for Law Enforcement Officer Employment Outcomes. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37 (2), 217-238.
Weiss, P.A., Vivian J.E., Weiss, W.U., Davis R.D. and Rostow, C.D. (2011) Exploring the MMPI-2 L Scale Cutoff In Police Selection. Journal of Personality Assessment In Press