
Many types of mental health providers, as well as risk managers, personnel specialists and others who may be involved in police personnel work which touches upon the services provided through Matrix, Inc, may wish to contact us. Each discipline, profession and specialty adds to the fabric of services that provide valuable aspects to the selection, examination and administration of the law enforcement officer in a modern police force.

Matrix, Inc. works to build upon the unique contributions and abilities of each police professional with whom we interact. For those psychologists, risk managers, personnel specialists and others who undergo Matrix, Inc. training, we offer a Certification procedure that provides assurance to all that the trained professional is conversant and capable in the use of Matrix, Inc. services and products, and is able to seamlessly interact with the Matrix, Inc. staff in the use of Matrix, Inc. technology.

Matrix, Inc. encourages and supports channels of communication with interested parties.

Certified Providers

If you are a licensed mental health provider in your state or province and are interested in becoming a Matrix Certified Provider of Psychological Services, you may wish to contact us and request further information regarding our Matrix, Inc. training opportunities.

Once trained and certified as a Matrix, Inc. provider, you will be eligible to work with Matrix, Inc. in the joint provision of services to police and law enforcement agencies, firefighting departments and others.

Administrative Professionals

In our experience, we have been approached by police chiefs, commanders, law enforcement executives, private security and protection administrators, insurance providers, risk management professionals, personnel administrators, physicians, attorneys and others who are interested in the improvement of law enforcement services in their communities, the control of costs and the protection of the public. All such persons are invited to communicate with Matrix, Inc. via the Matrix Administrative Service line. A Matrix, Inc. Administrative Certification is also available.

Matrix, Inc. is building for the future. The standardization of high quality, objective, employment-based, scientifically sound and forensically defendable public and private safety and enforcement services are our goal.


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